Thursday, April 18, 2013

Fijians in France: Back to back

This article was contributed by Marc Thompson from the UK on the Facebook Group Silktails Rugby

The finishing line that of the Top I4 season is just over the horizon. What started in the last week of August will reach it's climax in the next 5 weeks. Those 'Estival' conditions of 9 months ago returned this week with temperatures hitting the 30°C mark.

Some decisions have already been made: Pro D2 rugby for Mont de Marsan and Agen, rugby with the elite for Oyonnax for the first time in their 105 year history. Players affected; Seru Rabeni, William Ryder, Dan Baleinadogo, Wame Lewaravua at Marsan; Ilaitia Tagotago at Agen and Tikiko Uluiviti with Oyonnax. We wish them well; not all will be there next August.

Saimoni Vaka, currently sidelined with a broken fore arm, is already heading from Agen to Bayonne to join Gaby Lovobalavu and Joe Taliga Rokocoko, the latter now discovering a new role as play maker/creator rather than finisher. His performance last w/e saw him included in the 'team of the week' along with Noa Nakaitaci and Virimi Vakatawa. Noa got player of the week in that top of the table draw with Toulon, but he may not start on Saturday as Naps Nalaga and Sitiveni Sivivatu return for Clermont in the crunch match v Toulouse.

The 4th man in the photo, Jim Nagusa, would also have made that team of the week, but for those other 3.

Fiji's lose is France's gain.

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